
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tying Up Loose Ends

Augusr 24, 2006

A little over three weeks and we'll be off on our big adventure. Mike has to deliver a boat, take care of tax clients, rent an apartment, make arrangements for his dog, put the farm in a realtor's hands and mow all the lawns. It's what he calls semi-retired.

I'm off to visit family in western NY and do Grandmother duty while Mike is going to deliver our 1975 27' Catalina. I can't believe he sold it.

Now we are down to two boats. Well, I think you can call the item in the yard a boat. The boat was nameless when he acquired it and he wanted to name the boat Carol Ann but I told him no thanks, do not name that puddle jumper after me. He liked that and now Puddle Jumper is the name of the boat.

We have mixed emotions about selling the farm. We wile away many ours by the creek and feel like we have our own state park. We especially enjoy the bicycle path that runs through the property.

Puppy dog is a main concern for Mike. We often see cruisers with dogs but it not something we will ever consider.


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